Prof. Fujikawa gave a guest lecture at commemorative Event organized by Japanese and Swedish Institutions on October 29.

As part of the 50th Anniversary Week of the Sweden Japan Foundation, a collaborative seminar was held to commemorate the opening of the Kyushu University Stockholm Liaison Office and the 20th anniversary of the JSPS Stockholm Office. The seminar featured a guest lecture by Professor Shigenori Fujikawa.
Language : English
Guest Lecture Prof. Fujikawa.pdf
The KTH Climate Action Centre organises this guest lecture. The host is Director Assoc. Prof. Francesco Fuso-Nerini, in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan to Sweden, IVA, Sweden-Japan Foundation, Kyushu University Stockholm Liaison Office and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Stockholm Office.Participants in Japan are welcome to participate online. Anyone interested in efforts for climate actions and collaborations with Swedish institutions can join this seminar for free by registering for the event.
For more information, please refer to the KTH website→KTH website