Dr. Kenji Yamaji,as program director for MS Goal 4 , Prof. Fujikawa, Prof. Managi and Prof. Kenis gave a lecture at "2022 I²CNER Annual Symposium" on January 25.

The International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER), Kyushu University, hosted the 2022 I2CNER Annual Symposium “Carbon management including Negative Emission Technologies” on January 25, 2022 (Japan).
CO₂ management, starting with CO₂ capture directly from the air, followed by CO₂ conversion and storage, has become an urgent issue to be solved worldwide. Within this framework, in this year’s I2CNER annual symposium, we wish to explore the carbon management technologies for capturing CO₂ in the atmosphere, chemically converting the captured CO₂, using it as carbon resources, safely storing it underground, and effectively using light as an energy source in these processes. Dr. Kenji Yamaji,as program director for MS Goal 4 , Prof. Fujikawa, Prof. Managi and Prof. Kenis gave a lecture at this Symposium.
Event Date : Tuesday, 25 January 2022 9:00 am ~ 12:20 pm
Event type : Zoom Webinar
Participation fee : Free
Language : English
Webinar Capacity : 500 people