2021/10/19Outreach Prof. Yamauchi gave a lecture at the Symposium of Research Group on Inorganic Polymers on October 23.
2021/10/12Outreach Prof. Fujikawa gave a guest lecture at commemorative Event organized by Japanese and Swedish Institutions on October 29.
2021/10/12Outreach Prof. Fujikawa, Prof.Yamauchi and Prof. Shimizu gave a lecture at JOEM on October 15.
2021/10/06Outreach Prof. Fujikawa will give a lecture at the award ceremony for SDGs Design International Awards 2021 on October 16.
2021/10/06Outreach Prof. Fujikawa gave a lecture at the Side Event of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum(ICEF)2021 on October 6.
2021/09/24NEWS R&D Project by Prof. Ken Kojio was adopted as "JST PRESTO (Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology)" !