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- エネルギーアナリシス社会工学研究ユニット
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- キーリーアレクサンダー竜太
A Temporarily Pore-Openable Porous Coordination Polymer for Guest Adsorption/Desorption
Inorganic Chemistry,2021,60,4531-4538. Hairy Particles Synthesized by Living Anionic Polymerization-induced Self-assembly and Evaluation of Their Nanostructure
Chemistry Letters,2021,50,920-923. Chiral Silica with Preferred-Handed Helical Structure via Chiral Transfer
JACS Au,2021,1,375-379. Inorganic Nanocatalysts for Hydrogenation Reactions Contributable to a Sustainable Material Supply
Chemistry Letters,2021,50,1901-1908. Hydrogenomics: Efficient and Selective Hydrogenation of Stable Molecules Utilizing Three Aspects of Hydrogen
Catalysis Letters,2021,152,1583-1597. Geological storage of CO2–N2–O2 mixtures produced by membrane‐based direct air capture (DAC)
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology,2021,11,610-618. DOI:10.1002/ghg.2099
Lipophilic probe behavior in microemulsions evaluated by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Analytical Sciences,2021,38,401-408. Robust, Hyper-Permeable Nanomembrane Composites of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) and Cellulose Nanofibers
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021,13,61189-61195. Multimotion of Marangoni Propulsion Ships Controlled by Two-Wavelength Near-Infrared Light
Langmuir,2021,37,14597-14604. Lipophilic Vitamin E Diffusion through Bicontinuous Microemulsions
Analytical Chemistry,2021,93,14231-14237. Front Cover: Thermal and Gas Adsorption Properties of Tröger's Base/Diaza‐cyclooctane Hybrid Ladder Polymers (ChemNanoMat 7/2021)
ChemNanoMat,2021,7,682-682. Inorganic Nanocatalysts for Hydrogenation Reactions Contributable to a Sustainable Material Supply
Chemistry Letters,2021,50,1901-1908. Hydrogenomics: Efficient and Selective Hydrogenation of Stable Molecules Utilizing Three Aspects of Hydrogen
Catalysis Letters,2021,undefined,undefined. Geological storage of CO2 –N2 –O2 mixtures produced by membrane‐based direct air capture (DAC)
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology,2021,accepted, DOI:10.1002/ghg.2099
Chiral Silica with Preferred-Handed Helical Structure via Chiral Transfer
JACS Au,2021,1,375-379. Hairy Particles Synthesized by Living Anionic Polymerization-induced Self-assembly and Evaluation of Their Nanostructure
Chemistry Letters,2021,50,920-923. A Temporarily Pore-Openable Porous Coordination Polymer for Guest Adsorption/Desorption
Inorganic Chemistry,2021,60,4531-4538.